INDIA, 1992

Pablo Marquez, India, 123 pages, self publish Artist Book
Pablo Marquez, 1992

 This book tells the story of a family in India.  It is also the story of luminous color found in the desert city of Jaisalmer.


A spiritual homage in photographs to India.  A spiritual country, , with a magical old culture.

Jaisalmer on the north west of India is illuminated by a spiritual light.


Pablo Márquez is a photographer and a flmmaker.He studied flmaking with scholarchip from Howard University in Whashinton D.C, His work has been selected by the National Juried Photography Exhibit East Coast Artists. He has made art flms. Worked in the 90´s in the United Nations, NY as a foreign correspondent for Mexican Media.  While living in Blrooklyn attended briefly at NYU New York University Graduate Film, and San Diego Sate Univerity.


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